The main control software for the Fill machines ACCUBOT, WELDBOX and GRIND PERFORMER. All operations and processes are managed in this central software, which always offers the same user interface – whether you want to perform an NDT test with the ACCUBOT, or weld a battery housing with the WELDBOX.

The concept
Integrating complex components and processes into a production system is time-consuming, and also expensive due to system downtime. With CYBERNETICS STUDIO, you can test the feasibility of processes in advance and transfer them to the control system using a post-processor. This saves valuable production time.
Central operating software for
- NDT systems – ACCUBOT
Full software flexibility in terms of
- kinematics (ACCUBOT, portal design, robots, etc.)
- control system (Sinumerik NC controller, standard robot manufacturers ABB, KUKA, Fanuc, etc.)
- processing method (non-destructive testing, metrology, processing tools)
- All applications are integrated into a single software.
- Same operation and visualization, regardless of which processing or testing method and with any controller or robot.
- Not kinematics-dependent: The operator does not need to be a robot expert – the process can be handled by process engineers using CYBERNETICS STUDIO.
- Complex components and processes are often difficult and time-consuming to implement. System downtime is reduced thanks to integrated offline programming and program management.
- Can also be connected to customer systems.
CYBERNETICS STUDIO is configured in accordance with the customer’s specific requirements.
We define the resulting technical data in collaboration with the customer.