Fill opens car park decks of the Power Cube
The days of gravel car parks and long journeys to work are finally history for Fill employees. On Monday, 21 October 2024, Andreas Fill officially opened the parking decks for use.

The new multifunctional car park offers the team around 600 parking spaces protected from the weather and much shorter and dry routes to their workplaces.
While the car park can already be used before the winter, the interior work on the top floor is still in full swing. In addition to offices with 120 workstations and a new fitness and yoga room for employees, the premises for publicly accessible service providers such as a hairdresser, physiotherapist and a bar are also being built here. Outside, the 1,200 m² garden with trees, green areas and seating is already being laid out. The roof level is due to be completed and opened for use in spring 2025.

The ground-breaking ceremony for the Power Cube, the latest building complex at the company site in Gurten, took place in March 2023. Instead of sacrificing more green space for car parks, the multifunctional, six-storey building was erected on areas that had already been tarmacked.
The Power Cube, which has photovoltaic modules installed across its entire outer façade, is the largest investment project in the mechanical engineering company's history. With the completion of the building, Fill is a big step closer to its goal of being one hundred per cent energy self-sufficient in the summer months by 2026.