Generations Day 2022


Fill your Life. With this life work concept, Fill accompanies people from babyhood to retirement age. The regulars' table of Fill seniors in the morning and the school closing party in the afternoon united all generations of the large "Fill Family" on July 8, 2022.

In the morning, those Fill employees who are already enjoying their retirement as "Golden Fill Surfers" visited their former workplace. The joy of reuniting with former colleagues in "their" company was just as great as the interest in the latest developments and future projects presented to them by the management. During an extended tour of the ever-expanding company, the walk through the spectacular "Future Tube" was the absolute highlight. This 80-meter-long, futuristic bridge connects the production halls with the "Future Zone" digitization center at a height of eight meters. A joint lunch with an intensive exchange of views formed the harmonious conclusion to the successful meeting.

Peace & Friendship at the school closing party

On this day, the transition from the oldest to the youngest members of the "Fill Family" was almost seamless. In the afternoon, Generation Alpha took over the company grounds in front of the Future Zone to celebrate the 2022 mega end-of-school party. About 160 employee children did not miss this intergalactic event and took the opportunity to meet Filli Future, the surprise guest at the party. The fun was immense as the kids made high jumps on the bungee trampoline, tested their dexterity on the pallet course, rafted across the romantic lily pond, flew drones into the sky, transformed into enchanting butterflies or wild pirates, and much, much more. 

At this festival, (almost) everything was really allowed: The little ones could even get a mega-cool Filli tattoo - thorough washing is declared a "no-go" during these summer vacations 😜. And because nothing in life is more important than peace & friendship, small visitors formed up in the shape of the peace sign at the joint photo shoot.

(Video with sound on Instagram)

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