Best training for tomorrow´s skilled professionals

Fill has trained around 500 apprentices in recent decades. Young talents can find the perfect environment for a successful start to their working life at the machine engineering company in Gurten.

 Currently 87 young men and women are completing an apprenticeship in nine different trades. Apprentices have been trained at the leading Innviertel-based company since it was founded in 1966. Of the 500-plus young people to complete their vocational training over the last few decades, 245 are still working at the company, many in senior management roles. Of the 50 managers at Fill, half began their career with an apprenticeship. A comprehensive professional training program, an apprenticeship with Higher School Certificate, and the "Duale Akademie" (for graduates from an AHS academic secondary school) offer a broad spectrum and provide the young employees with excellent opportunities for their professional future.

Gurten, January 20, 2021 – "We are proud of the large number of apprentices who have been trained and are being trained at our company. An apprenticeship at Fill is the basis for successful further development, all the way up to the executive board. After completing their apprenticeships, the young adults have numerous opportunities in all departments of the company," reports Philipp Heißbauer, apprentice training team leader at Fill.

Nine skilled trades with a future
With nine apprenticeship occupations and a total of 87 apprentices, Fill is one of the biggest training enterprises in Upper Austria. Mentoring and development of apprentices is an investment in the future. They are the specialists and managers of tomorrow. Besides receiving in-depth training in the respective business division, the young employees acquire additional skills in such areas as social competence and personality development. To ensure the best possible professional training, Fill has an apprentice workshop equipped with the latest machinery, training robots, and a separate e-laboratory at its disposal. Above all, the apprentices benefit from the high digitalization standard at the internationally successful company. The following apprenticeship programs are offered at Fill: application developer – coding, logistics operative, electrical engineer in systems and operating technology, information technology systems engineer, design engineer, mechatronics engineer in production technology, metalworking technician in mechanical engineering, metalworking technician in machining, technical draftsperson.

Work experience days
Our taster days give young talents with a passion for technology the chance to find out more about the various vocations offered. After a brief introduction to the individual apprenticeship programs, each pupil can find out more about their preferred profession. They can contribute to projects and complete small tasks. To recharge their batteries for the rest of the day, they are invited to have lunch together in the Fill restaurant.

Corporate data
Fill is a leading international machine and plant manufacturing company serving diverse branches of industry. The family-owned business excels in the use of the latest technology and methods in management, communication, and production. Business operations encompass the fields of metal, plastics, and wood for the automotive, aircraft, wind energy, sport, and building industries. The company is the global market and innovation leader in aluminum core removal technology, casting technology, wood bandsaw technology, as well as in ski and snowboard production machines. Andreas Fill (CEO), Martin Reiter (CSO), Alois Wiesinger (CTO), and Günter Redhammer (COO) are the managing directors of the company founded in 1966. Fill is 100 percent family-owned and now employs about 920 people. In 2020 the company recorded sales of around 144 million euros.

The apprentice workshop is equipped with the latest machinery, training robots, and a separate e-laboratory. Apprentices benefit in particular from the high digitalization standard at Fill.

Fill Machine Engineering


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